Posts tagged “weston super mare

pier attractions

Good to see some of the old seaside entertainments live on! This head in the hole comic board was at the entrance to Weston Super Mare’s pier when we visited in 2023. These days they have given up trying to charge for prints, you just whip out the mobile phone and snap away. Which is fine, except there will be no postcard prints for people to collect in 50 years…

In the pavilion at the pier head was another variation on the seaside portrait. Inside a spooky horror train ride they have fitted cameras and flash units, which are triggered as the car goes by. You can then nip upstairs and look at the photos in screens, and if you like them have a print made, or some other photo souvenir. This sort of fairground souvenir photo has been around for almost 100 years now! However a quick look at the samples shows that everyone is sat behind a safety screen, so all the photos have you obscured by a mesh grid… strange.